Source code for fuefit.excel.FuefitExcelRunner

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sample `xlwings` script
The functions included provide for running a batch of experiments in an excel-table 
with json-pointer paths as headers (see accompanying :file:`.xlsm`).

You can debug it by running it directly as a python script, as suggested by :


from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import os, re, operator, logging

from fuefit import datamodel
from fuefit import processor
import pandas as pd
import xlwings as xw

def _init_logging(loglevel):

    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    log.trace = lambda *args, **kws: log.log(0, *args, **kws)
    return log
log = _init_logging(DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL)
## TODO: Convert Excel-ref RC-notation to A1
_excel_ref_specifier_regex = re.compile(r'''^\s*
            (?:(?P<sheet>.+)!)?             # Sheet-name optional-group
            (?P<ref>                        # start Cell-ref 
                (?:[A-Z]+\d+ | R\d+C\d+ | \(\d+,\d+\))        # FROM-ref, RC/A1 notation, or tuple
                (?:                             # start TO-Cell-ref optional-group
                    (?:[A-Z]+\d+ | R\d+C\d+ | \(\d+,\d+\))        # RC/A1 notation, or tuple
                )?                              # end TO-Cell-ref optional-group
            )                               # end Cell-ref
            (?:                             # start Shape-specifier optional-group
                (?P<shape>table|vertical|horizontal)     # See respective xw.Range attributes
            )?                              # end Shape-specifier
            (?:\((?P<range_kws>                   # start RANGE-kws expression
            )\))?                            # end RANGE-kws
            (?:{(?P<pandas_kws>                   # start PANDAS-kws expression
            )})?                            # end PANDAS-kws
            \s*$''', re.X+re.IGNORECASE)
_undefined = object()
def _parse_kws(kws_str):
    if kws_str:
        local_vars = {}
        exec('kws = dict(%s)' % kws_str, None, local_vars)
        return local_vars['kws']
    return {}

[docs]def resolve_excel_ref(ref_str, default=_undefined): """ if `ref_str` is an *excel-ref*, it returns the referred-contents as DataFrame or a scalar, `None` otherwise. Excel-ref examples:: @a1 @E5.column @some sheet_name!R1C5.TABLE @1!a1:c5.table(header=False) @3!a1:C5.horizontal(strict=True; atleast_2d=True) @sheet-1!A1.table(asarray=True){columns=['a','b']} @any%sheet^&name!A1:A6.vertical(header=True) ## NOTE: Setting Range's `header` kw and # DataFrame will parse 1st row as header The *excel-ref* syntax is case-insensitive apart from the key-value pairs, which it is given in BNF-notation: .. productionlist:: excel_ref : "@" : [sheet "!"] : cells : ["." shape] : ["(" range_kws ")"] : ["{" df_kws "}"] sheet : sheet_name | sheet_index sheet_name : <any character> sheet_index : `integer` cells : cell_ref [":" cell_ref] cell_ref : A1_ref | RC_ref | tuple_ref A1_ref : <ie: "A1" or "BY34"> RC_ref : <ie: "R1C1" or "R24C34"> tuple_ref : <ie: "(1,1)" or "(24,1)", the 1st is the row> shape : "." ("table" | "vertical" | "horizontal") range_kws : kv_pairs # keywords for xlwings.Range(**kws) df_kws : kv_pairs # keywords for pandas.DataFrafe(**kws) kv_pairs : <python code for **keywords ie: "a=3.14, f = 'gg'"> Note that the "RC-notation" is not converted, so Excel may not support it (unless overridden in its options). """ matcher = _excel_ref_specifier_regex.match(ref_str) if matcher: ref = matcher.groupdict()"Parsed string(%s) as Excel-ref: %s", ref_str, ref) sheet = ref.get('sheet') or '' try: sheet = int(sheet) except ValueError: pass cells = ref['ref'] range_kws = _parse_kws(ref.get('range_kws')) ref_range = xw.Range(sheet, cells, **range_kws) range_shape = ref.get('shape') if range_shape: ref_range = operator.attrgetter(range_shape.lower())(ref_range) v = ref_range.value if ref_range.row1 != ref_range.row2 or ref_range.col1 != ref_range.col2: ## Parse as DataFrame when more than one cell. # pandas_kws = _parse_kws(ref.get('pandas_kws')) if 'header' in range_kws and not 'columns' in pandas_kws : ##Do not ignore explicit-columns. v = pd.DataFrame(v[1:], columns=v[0], **pandas_kws) else: v = pd.DataFrame(v, **pandas_kws) log.debug("Excel-ref(%s) value: %s", ref, v) return v else: if default is _undefined: raise ValueError("Invalid excel-ref(%s)!" % ref_str) else: return default
[docs]def read_input_as_df(table_ref_str): """ Expects excel-table with jsonpointer paths as Header and 1st column named `id` as index, like this:: id vehicle/test_mass vehicle/p_rated vehicle/gear_ratios veh_1 1500 100 [120.75, 75, 50, 43, 37, 32] veh_2 1600 80 [120.75, 75, 50, 43, 37, 32] veh_3 1200 60 [120.75, 75, 50, 43, 37, 32] """ vehs = xw.Range('Input', table_ref_str, strict=True).table.value vehs = pd.DataFrame(vehs[1:], columns=vehs[0]).set_index('id') return vehs
[docs]def build_models(vehs_df): """ Builds all input-dataframes as Experiment classes and returns them in a list of (veh_id, exp) pairs. :param vehs_df: A dataframe indexed by veh_id, and with columns *json-pointer* paths into the model :return: a list of (veh_id, model) tuples """ experiment_pairs = [] for veh_id, row in vehs_df.iterrows(): try: mdl_in = datamodel.base_model() for colname, colval in row.items(): log.debug('veh_id(%s): Column(%s): %s', veh_id, colname, colval) if pd.isnull(colval) or (isinstance(colval, str) and not colval.strip()): continue if isinstance(colval, str): ## Is it an excel-ref like: # @<sheet_name>!A1[:R10:c1].table # try: colval = resolve_excel_ref(colval) except ValueError: ## Try to parse value as python-code. # try: old_v = colval colval = eval(colval) except Exception: pass else:"Parsed value(%s) as python code into: %s", old_v, colval) datamodel.set_jsonpointer(mdl_in, colname, colval) datamodel.validate_model(mdl_in) experiment_pairs.append((veh_id, mdl_in)) except Exception as ex: raise Exception('Invalid model for vehicle(%s): %s' % (veh_id, ex)) from ex return experiment_pairs
[docs]def run_experiments(experiment_pairs): """ Iterates `veh_df` and runs experiment_pairs. :param vehs_df: A dataframe indexed by veh_id, and with columns *json-pointer* paths into the model """ for veh_id, mdl_in in experiment_pairs: try: mdl_out = add_results_as_sheet(veh_id, mdl_out) except Exception as ex: raise Exception('Experiment failed for vehicle(%s): %s' % (veh_id, ex)) from ex
def add_results_as_sheet(veh_id, mdl_out): sheet = "results.%s"%veh_id try: xw.Sheet.add(sheet) except Exception as ex:"Updating existing sheet(%s) due to: %s", sheet, ex) xw.Sheet(sheet).clear() xw.Range(sheet, 'A1', index=False).value = datamodel.resolve_jsonpointer(mdl_out, '/engine/fc_map_coeffs').to_frame().T xw.Range(sheet, 'A4', index=False).value = mdl_out['fitted_eng_points'] def main(): ## Open and run experiments #'CWD: %s', os.getcwd()) excel_fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '%s.xlsm' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]) wb_path = os.path.abspath(excel_fname) xw.Workbook(wb_path) vehs_df = read_input_as_df('D2')'%s', vehs_df) exp_pairs = build_models(vehs_df) run_experiments(exp_pairs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()